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Michael’s family, the Stoppes

{mosimage} Dougan Stoppe is Michael’s father. He is very well-fed and the reason might be that he loves to watch TV and to nibble while doing that. Apart from that he is a loving father, who is always willing to listen to his children’s problems. First appearance in episode 67

{mosimage} Michael’s mother is a very considerate woman, sometimes even too considerate. She attaches importance to that her children eat enough so that they can develop well.
First appearance in  episode 67

{mosimage} Michael’s grandmother (on his mother’s side) is a moaning, grumbling old woman. She complains about everything and everyone. Although she still is a good walker, she sits in her rocking chair all day long. She did not grow up in the US and of course in the past everything was better.
First appearance in episode 67

{mosimage} Steve Stoppe is Michael’s brother. They get along with each other quite good and sometimes greet each other with “Dear brother”. Steve is a fantasy fan. Besides various fantasy books he indulges in his hobby at gaming nights with his likeminded friends he calls “The noble heroes”.
First appearance in episode 67

{mosimage} Michael’s little sister is the pet of the family. She is a little bookworm and very pert for her age. She certainly really likes her brother what does not keep her from annoying him and sneaking on him.
First appearance in episode 67


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